Article about Inculture’s work

Tendens Special has written a good summary of Inculture’s view on applied anthropology in a branding context. Unfortunately it’s in Swedish. Contact us if you want to read the full-length article.
Stroll around Märsta ”city”

Was asked to stroll around Märsta ”city” in Sigtuna Kommun and see what ”place” it is. Each place must take their history, their identity, in possession and not become a non-place – which are planned and steeped in the same shape, where people who live there become alone and alike, just as everyone else. In…
Media behavior in Finland and Scotland

Inculture is involved in a multicultural study to provide both Swedish (in Finland) and Gaelic media and language policy-makers meaningful information on the media habits and digital communication habits of young bi-lingual Scottish Gaelic speakers and Swedish speakers in Finland and their families. The broadcaster and the language planning agency (and others, especially academia) together…
Health and social media

Today Inculture present a project about health in modern society (for Proviva, Danone). Part of the project has focused on how social media affect us. The social health that can be achieved through the immediacy and closeness of friends on social media as Facebook can easily be converted into negative emotions when you read about…
Björn Borg and Millennials

This week it’s time to present a throughly anthropological study focusing on the use and meaning of the brand Björn Borg AB. By getting closer to the consumer we can tell what the brand Björn Borg is, what it means, who the users are and why, what trends are important to deal with… Identity brands…
Digital generation – Scotland

Talk about the digital generation in Stornoway invited by Professor Robert Dunbar. Robert Dunbar leads an inter-university research project headed by the University of the Highlands and Islands, but also involving the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The project focuses on research relevant to the maintenance and revitalisation of Gaelic. One of the key areas of…
Content is king

Ok, the importance of content, that you’ve heard before… But you can’t say it too many times; seems easy to forget and instead focus on the differences between the digital media devices and the anlog OR just try to do the analog thing in a digital form. This week I talk at Tidskriftseminarium about the…
Relations instead of knowledge

A short summary of my speech at DagsVara 2013 can be find here, an article in Medievärlden.
Digital media culture

Time again to talk about behavior and attitudes related to digital media culture at DagsVara 2013. What human and social consequences are important to pay attention to?
Feeling of final delivery

It’s always such a nice feeling when the final results is delivered to a client. This time to NCC Housing. Inculture studied 16 families living in newly built houses or apartements. The focus areas were how the clients perceive NCC, both in terms of actual living and in terms of the relationship with NCC staff.…