What people do, not what they say they do, is my business.
Spot the white areas
It is notoriously difficult to ask humans to imagine what is beyond their current experience. By using anthropological methods and theory however, it is possible to identify the white spaces of non-emerged needs. These white spaces are areas with excellent potential, since they have not (yet) been observed by any of your competitors. It is like being one step ahead of the market. And thus two steps ahead of any market research.
Inculture provides ethnographic research and anthropological analysis of contemporary culture, trends and cultural branding. We forecast, track and map human behavior, giving you a true insight into the culture and allowing you to customise brand experience.
The method involves a number of rules and methodological tools. It is not just a matter of going out and looking at people’s buying behavior in a shopping centre, for example.
The focus should be on the natural course of social behavior rather than testing hypotheses. When the anthropologist goes into the field she makes a holistic study, that is, she studies everything in a specific culture or in a specific context that influences certain behavior or a certain situation.
By obtaining a holistic grasp, the anthropologist gains an understanding of the causes of a certain behavior and/or attitudes. The data is then analysed using culture-analytical theory as a framework.
No other method has such depth, such humanistic perspective or richness of colour.

my expertise
Strategic Guidance - Will your message engage the target group? Are there customers out there that you haven’t thought of? Honestly, a study is not always necessary, I might as well have the insights already. Many years of studies and analysis have given me a bank of knowledge that could be exactly what you are looking for.
Studies – Ethnographic studies of specific phenomena, places, behavior. Most people are aware of trends and the world around them, but few people grasp reality. By means of ethnographic studies it is possible to quickly detect when change occurs, when new trends are established and new behavior manifested. It is also possible to find white areas, that is, unsatisfied customer and consumer needs.
Lectures – My subject, how we really behave, is as interesting as it is useful, and for many people, entertaining. Therefore I often give lectures and conduct workshops. Participants range from the directors of a small company to hundreds and even perhaps thousands of people. I have some ”standard subjects”, for example Tribes & Trends, Consumer Culture, How to be human-centered or Media behavior of young people – but of course I can arrange a lecture, workshop or theme day to suit your requirements.
People Visits - The People Visits Path is a unique programme that deciphers the complexities of consumer behavior in a combination of theory, practice and reflection. Bring your organisation to the customer, all the way down to their kitchen table.
There are many trend spotters and trend lecturers, but few who anchor their trends in the way people actually live their lives. The real deal. For businesses that want to stay relevant these insights are key. Witty, sharp and humorous!
David Lillewarg, Strategist & Nordic Business Design Lead EY
Katarina have the keen eyes of a genuine anthropologist. She has the ability to "see through" and discover what people's emotions, desires, needs and abilities truly are.
Sergio Correa de J. Medina, Professor of Design, Elisava Barcelona Shool of Design & Engineering
A lecture that exhilarates outdated insights and questions taken for granted knowledge about humans.
Mia Lundström, Identity Leader Global Marketing Communication IKEA