Health and social media

Today Inculture present a project about health in modern society (for Proviva, Danone).

Part of the project has focused on how social media affect us. The social health that can be achieved through the immediacy and closeness of friends on social media as Facebook can easily be converted into negative emotions when you read about others that make you feel your own life is poorer, sadder and especially not as healthy.

To be constantly fed information about how others live, friends and relatives rather than more distant and anonymous celebrities, increases the pressure and your own self-image may be damaged. It is important to understand that social media’s constant presence affect us, both consciously and subconsciously, to the highest degree. People are not individually distinct entities, but extremely socially determined, and use brands to communicate and interact with others.

Social media has quickly established itself as perhaps the most prominent social surface area of interaction with other to construct meaning, belonging and identity – especially when it comes to FOOD and HEALTH.