
Generation Noll koll 1

One thing Inculture wants to study deeper with ethnographic method is what we usually refer to as generation noll koll. Our expression refer to the notion that we have a younger generation that doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s used as an allusion to how younger people define media, namely ”to know what’s going on”,…

The shopping mall in the wild

Driving around in Mauritius, suddenly, in the green wild, a shopping mall. It was a somehow unreal feeling walking around in the mall. It was silent, empty and out of it’s cultural context. I went back several times to see if the emptiness only was a coincidence with my first visit, but no. The lines…

Sustainable entrepreneurship and business with care – in case you can’t care

A growing number of small businesses are now delivering food at your door. But it’s not just food. It’s an environmental friendly produced bag of raw food that constitutes a dinner week for a whole family. Well suited for timed crunched parents who just don’t have time to prepare, plan or shop. In Sweden we…

designed by ICA

We often talk about a ”new generation” when describing the use of digital media technique and all applications. For this generation media is something natural; integretaded in everyday life and the difference between consuming and producing is no more. One aspect of the mediated society is how this ”new” generation, especially Generation Z, integrate design…

stuff white people like?

In some way the blogosphere is a great field for ethnographic studies and everything is worth some examination regardless of the topic. It doesn’t always have to be so serious or intellectual, the average person just ain’t that deep. The extremely popular blog (now book and soon to be a tv-series) Stuff White People Like…

like playing a game

I went to Nike store when in NY and suddenly saw this on the wall. And I thought, owaw, Lebron really does understand how it is to be an anthropologist… !

a modern woman

Ask any woman if she considers herself to be a modern woman and few will say “no”. The other alternative is just not attractive. But what does it mean to be a modern woman? ”My baby is only 3 months old and I am starting to feel that urge to be free. Get out. Go to…

trends about consumers and ecological brands

This week Jonas and I will talk about what makes consumers buy ecological brands (or why they not buy) at Dagligvarutrender, Hotel Rival. Modern man is an aware being, this largely due to the information that is available everywhere. When awareness grows the demands for products and services also grows. The conscious human knows she…

a comment to Sabuni’s article

In an article in DN today the Swedish ministry of integretion talk about what to do with the suburb in Sweden. Viktoria was invited to Swedish Television to comment. See the program here.

we are marked before we are born

The other day Swedish Radio sent a program titled Boende påverkar fostret (Housing effects fetus) saying that our housing area lay the foundation for our unborn babies health. The comparison was made between a posh Stockholm area (Östermalm) and a, what they call, a “socially segregated neighborhood” in Stockholm (Fittja). Living conditions and its relation…

I love eco – or ”real ecological” food?

Sara is in the grocery store. She often complains about the lack of “ecological and local products”, they are more real. When she sees someone working in the store she always talk with them about this. They answer her that there are so few people that actually choose the ecological products, they are too expensive.…

att leka svensk

Sorry, this one must be in Swedish. Fältanteckningar, februari 2009. ”Min pappa läser tidningen på morgonen. Svenskan. Han har svensk flickvän, så det är därför. Han skulle inte tänka tanken på att beställa hem tidningen om det inte var för henne.” (Sara 16 år) ”Ahh. Min farsa försökte också göra det …. eller han gjorde det…