
I love eco – or ”real ecological” food?

Sara is in the grocery store. She often complains about the lack of “ecological and local products”, they are more real. When she sees someone working in the store she always talk with them about this. They answer her that there are so few people that actually choose the ecological products, they are too expensive.…

att leka svensk

Sorry, this one must be in Swedish. Fältanteckningar, februari 2009. ”Min pappa läser tidningen på morgonen. Svenskan. Han har svensk flickvän, så det är därför. Han skulle inte tänka tanken på att beställa hem tidningen om det inte var för henne.” (Sara 16 år) ”Ahh. Min farsa försökte också göra det …. eller han gjorde det…

recession be damned

While in New York last week we noticed signs of recession, here and there. Less people in the shopping areas, a lot of sales, agressive campaigns in stores and malls, consumers looking twice before buying. But the lovely little store Rice to riches in Nolita, serving rice puddings in different flavors, had a nice sign…

in-home interviews is not ethnography

Grant McCracken writes about the difference between ethnography and in-home interviews that many people nowadays define as ”ethnography”. Many companies say that if they make interviews in people’s homes it’s ethnography! But they are missing a whole lot of the methodology. McCracken points out 4 important things with ethnography: it’s picking up the telling details,…

how to merge CRM and CIM without getting too much information

For the past few years CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has been the obvious model for any business interested in creating customer satisfaction. Today’s article in Dagens Media is however pointing out that the next step, CIM (Customer Involvement Management) is crucial for addressing the next generation consumers, that is – people that grew up with…

a pleasure to “go native” with teenagers

A current Inculture project have once again focused my attention on youngsters of today. As much as I get annoyed by the excessive commercial interest in youth culture – it is always a pleasure to “go native” with teenagers on the verge of becoming adults. They always, quite elegant, manage to simplify complicated issues. For…

the downside of the information society

I talked at Daytona Session vol 2 yesterday. One of my themes was generation noll koll (in English it would be something like the generation that don’t know what’s going on, and it’s an allusion to their own definition of media, namely ”to know what’s going on”, or in Swedish ”att ha koll”). There are…

the multicultural riddle

Neither I can ignore the recent event in Rosengård. In short, currently there is a huge debate in Sweden about the values with in our police force. The incident that fueled the discussion was some recorded racists police statements, aimed at young people in a Swedish suburb populated by, well let’s call them “people with…

daytona session 2

The 12th of February Daytona Session Vol 2 will take place at Rival. I think everyone is welcome, but hurry, it is soon fully booked. Read my guest blog here.

the essence of “time” and “place”

When doing ethnographic fieldwork the understanding of time and place is one of the most essential tools for a cultural analysis. I think it was Stuart Hall, and probably a whole bunch of other cultural theorists, who said that everything that people say is contextual and therefore positioned. So… in order to fully understand a…

being in the known with the consumers

Young consumers are extremely adaptive in their behaviour. They listen to their surroundings, social networks, media, celebrities ect, and learn how to consume. What other say is authentic and real is perceived as authentic. It is the social construction of real that is incorporated in their identity and their actions. I never read the newspapers…

the secret cook is everywhere

I was on an airplane browsing through a recent Inculture report when a curious/friendly co passenger leaned over my shoulder and asked: “Do you work with ecological food?” The report-title included the term “ecological” so the question wasn’t too far-fetched. I found myself nodding, not in the mood to explain anthropology (hmm) whereupon he started…